1390 Willow Pass Road, Suite 240, Concord, CA 94520
(925) 246-6200
(925) 246-6230

Get Involved

PSEA Volunteers Keep the Spirit Alive

BOT Crab Feed VolunteersPSEA is a grass-roots organization comprised primarily of volunteers throughout the PG&E territory. These volunteers are PG&E employees and retirees serving fellow PSEA members by coordinating fun, social events such as picnics, dinners, BBQs, holiday gatherings, and trips. They are there for you!  Volunteering is their way of giving back, sharing time, and balancing the financial and social aspects that are needed to keep the PG&E family alive.

PSEA has divided the PG&E territory into eighteen chaptersRetiree Picnic Volunteers for PG&E’s active employees and twenty chapters for PG&E’s retired employees. Each chapter is continually looking for members to assist with events. Visit the Contact pages (Active Chapters or Retiree Chapters) to find your local chapter leadership volunteers and reach out to them to find out how you can get involved.  Perhaps you’d like to assist with one event, or maybe even join the chapter leadership team.

Current Opportunities
Yosemite Active Chapter
Our Yosemite chair is stepping down, so we need to fill this role.  If you are interested in organizing some fun for this chapter, please contact Alice Matthews at (925) 246-6205 AZMJ@pge.com 
Russian River Retiree Chapter
After several years of bringing members together, Dave Davini has decided it is time to pass the torch and is looking for one or two people to assume the role. If you are interested in getting involved with this chapter to continue luncheons and/or other events for our Russian River retirees, please contact Dave at (707) 975-6349 or psearrr@gmail.com to find out more.

You’re not going to want to miss this!

The PSEA Board of Trustees sponsors many fun events each year. We have one coming up. Will we see you there?